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BTP-SXM Telecom Regulator Meet With Counterpart Anguilla

Published on: Dec 08, 2015
The Director of Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten, Mr. Anthony Carty and Chief Operating officer Mr. Giovanni King, paid a working visit to Anguilla this week to meet with Kenn Banks, the Director of Public Utilities Commission (PUC), and the Minister of Infrastructure, Communications, Utilities and Housing (MICUH) to discuss several telecommunication related matters.
The PUC Is the authority on Anguilla that is responsible for the regulation of Utilities and Telecommunications, and the meeting was scheduled to discuss spectrum management and the prevention of cross border interference that can cause service degradation on mobile networks on both islands.

Mobile Operators from Anguilla were also invited to the table, and they were given the opportunity to bring across issues regarding cross border coverage that they are affected by, to voice their opinion and to bring forward ideas to further strengthen communication services. Both regulators took note of all remarks and indicated that issues regarding cross border coverage has their full attention and they will continue to work diligently to resolve matters.

The series of meetings was closed off by paying a courtesy visits to the Honorable Minister of MICUH, Mr. Curtis Richardson to underline the importance of collaboration between the islands. Minister Richardson recognizes the importance hereof and pledged to host the next annual tripartite frequency coordination meeting on Anguilla next year.

Director of BTP, Mr. Anthony Carty stated: “we were well received by our Anguilla counterparts and the meetings held were fruitful. Providing reliable communication services and mitigate potential interference relies heavily on good mobile spectrum coordination between regulators. We recognize the importance hereof and will continue to collaborate with our counterparts and work in the best interest of the operators and end users. We are much aware that our responsibilities as a regulatory authority does not stop at our shorelines.”